A photo of Susan Pearson the blogger.

Hi I’m Susan. I began my blogging journey at Living Creatively with Fibro you can find out more About me on the about me page on that blog.

The Purpose of this Blog

However, the purpose of a different blog is to focus on different areas of my life. Over here things are all about the tech and digital things I love, in fact, I would love it if this blog stretches beyond the Chronic Illness community. Living with a chronic illness may be the framework for my life now but thankfully once you get online it is a little easier to forget the constraints of the body and I would like to think I have something to offer the wider world.

My Life Before Fibromyalgia

So here is a bit about me. I have a degree in Arts Education and a Primary Education PGCE. I spent a chunk of my life between school and University working in different environments including a long stretch in a manufacturing environment where I helped to shape some of the administrative work.

Beyond my Primary Education (where it seemed almost impossible to find a job being a female of an average age for primary teachers) I worked as a civil servant where I put my teaching skills to use helping adults to learn online skills and improve their job finding techniques. You can find out more about my employment life on LinkedIn.

I began the previously mentioned Living Creatively with Fibro during my final year of employment. Eventually the syndrome got to a point where my health meant I could no longer be a conscientious employee. Sadly, that final year of my job was one of my best yet, I could see a career path and I loved working alongside my colleagues and interacting with my caseload (well 95% of both).

Life with Fibromyalgia

As well as writing my Fibromyalgia blog to share the experience of living with a chronic illness and to try and help others on the same path. I have spend time working on my Genealogy.