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I began my blogging journey in 2016 with my first blog. Living Creatively with Fibro. For a while I included what is now the content of this blog on that website. Producing content primarily for the “Spoonie” community.

If that word doesn’t mean anything to you, it is a community of people who live with a chronic illness. In my case, I have Fibromyalgia as a starter for ten.
However, I wanted to embrace my digital interests in their own home. So, Creative Fibro’s Digital World was born.

Outside blogging, my passions include Genealogy, Crafting and improving my knowledge of all sorts of subjects.

Having spent some time working as a teacher, and then later. Helping to teach adults looking for work how to use digital tools. I hope this experience enriches especially my how to posts.



Michael made some guest appearances on Living Creatively with Fibro, sharing his perspective as the husband of someone with fibromyalgia.

On this blog though he is much more at home. His special area is gaming. But he works with applications in his day job.

A photo of Michael taken at the coast with a beautiful dramatic sky